I arrived in Juneau on a chilly Saturday night about 9. Jessica was supposed to pick me up but wasn't there. Since she had to go to work at midnight I figured she had fallen asleep. Fortunately I saw my neighbor getting off the plane and he offerred me a ride when his wife showed up.
Seems she had left as I was headed for her house and we passed each other. Actually she had overslept planning on getting me and staying up so we talked about my adventures and her life.
The next morning I went to church where I planned on surprising her youngest sister Ashleigh and her husband Dan. I was talking to Ashleih's mother-in-law and some friends when she came strolling in with her soon to be 2 year old (Ruby Winter) and the new 1 week old (Imogen Rain). She saw me, smiled, said Hi, then did a double take. Someone took the baby and she gave me a tearful hug. It was great. So, I re-met Ruby, and met Imogen.
Basically a relaxing month
Got to play with Jessica's Italian Greyhound puppies Apollo, and Chronos. They are active little guys. Like spring wound tops where the spring is always wound. They would know within the minute when Jess was supposed to get home and stand on the couch trembling waiting for her to come through that door.
Went for walks with Ashleigh and the girls
Fortunately for me Ruby took breaks. LOL
Ruby loves her little sister. Always trying to help.
On the 20th Ruby turned 2. I got her a baby carrier where you carry the baby in front like her Mom has. Here she is carrying her baby after she decided that twins were to much. The tent was made by her Mom.
I left February 1st for Montana to attend another granddaughters birthday.
Another daughter Amanda lives in Missoula Montana with her family Jason, Samantha (10), and Taylor who was turning 4.
I arrived Friday night to a really nice evening and went to thier house for the weekend.
Saturday was spent shopping and the routine eating out at Perkins.
Sunday was birthday time (Birthday was actually Tuesday) and this kid was into it more than any other 4 year old I can think of. She was ready. So Sunday the girls and I went out while Amanda and Jason got everything ready.
We went to the mall.
Rode the old 1930's restored Carousel.
How do you pick one or two pictures for the blog LOL
A tent for her bed. She liked that. Dolls, doll stuff, more dolls. (How many dolls can a little girl have? lol)
One of Taylors favorite games is restuarant. So what better than food for her toy kitchen, dishes, a chef costume, and here you see the waitress costume complete with order pad and menu, oh amd serving platter.
Guess who served the cake after taking orders and it was served on ,,,,, you guessed it. The serving platter LOL
A fun party, a fun day, and a great weekend.
I left the next morning for Tucson where I picked up my Jeep and came out to the RV.
I'm wishing I still had this and it was down here. LOL
Oh, and everyone in Juneau knows I miss my little tractor.
It was soooo much fun. 8)