Well, it seems that my youngest daughter posted photos of "Inspirational Baby Rooms" last week showing some pretty impressive professionally decorated baby rooms. I was impressed, but then I am impressed by a well built shed so my being impressed probrably doesnt mean as much as her and those that commented were impressed.
The first picture in the series was of a really nice room but what impressed me (and others) was the crib. I (as well as Ashleigh) like old stuff and this crib has an old look to it. She even said that she liked it so much that she would pee her pants to have it.
Well the challenge was made, the guantlet thrown down, I had no choice but to find this crib. I mean, I even asked her if she liked it so much she'd pee her pants in public and she said YEPPERS!!!!
So, I searched high and low, left and right, long and wide, I searched the internet using search engines I havent used in years, sources I had forgotten about, inventories of stores that were as small as one room in backwoods little towns across America. I even searched antique shops and those that shop yard sales throughout the mid-west where antiques are known to pop up. I even tried NASA to see if maybe just maybe, I thought I had hit paydirt by accessing a little known movie set supply house in Hollywood but all was naught. I did find that I wanted and all metal, Sun Bonnet Baby Crib from the 1920's. So all wasnt naught but not far from it.
Well you've heard that ol saying you can find anything on E-bay? Well, guess what, after all that, I was skimming e-bay motors as I do quite regularly and thought what the heck and entered Sun Bonnet Metal baby crib in the main search bar. And ,,,,,,,
What did I see? Well it wasn't 8 tiny reindeer but not far from it at least as far as my excitement meter was concerned.
A 1920 Sun Bonnet All Metal baby Crib sitting right the on E-bay. Not NASA, not Hollywood, not midwest antiques, not yard sales, not even cribs galore located in my mind back in the dusty corner of the last storage room down that last hall, last door on the left. but on E_BAY. Pretty cool if you ask me (was going to put Moi but couldn't speel it) Just pretty darn cool.
One 1920 (90 years old) metal baby crib made by Sun Bonnet sitting in a little antigue shop in Minn. Price wasnt much more than youd pay for a really good quality new one. Shipping? Now thats another story. Probrably could have driven there to get it. LOL Actually shipping was a bit more than expected but not bad afterall it is all metal. But 90 year old metal.
It will be shipped to Ashleigh's place next Tuesday and THIS TIME it is actually going to HER place so I dont have to deal with the box 8).
I had a blast looking for it, was so excited to find it partly because of all the effort doing so and partly because it,,,,,,,, is ,,,,,,,,,,, well ,,,,,,,,,,,, just plain ,,,,,,,,,COOL. And I know the kid will enjoy it just as much.
I told her there is one string attached to it. When she is done with it, it will be put away and kept in the family only. Afterall it's starting out as 90 years old with us so we may as well see it when it's 100 years old or Sammies, or Taylors, etc. child can use it when it is 110 years old. Kinda cool, dont cha think..
I AM SO STOKED !!!!!!!