Sunday, December 4, 2011

Backhome update

As some may know from reading Jimmy's Facebook Page or this blog Jimmy went back to Keebler Cookie Factory to help out during the Holiday rush and then is staying on for the re-tooling for next year.

We discussed it at great length before he went. He was really wanting to go, and I wanted to come back home to Alaska so it was decided that we would do this until next spring'ish and then get back together in Arizona (where the RV awaits) and travel some more.

I spoke to him the other day and he is having a grand ol time. He said that Leonardo is even letting him paint stripes occasionally since they are so busy. He's hoping that Tracey will come see him and take him around sightseeing again but hes so busy right now that it can wait a bit.

I came home to Alaska (here's my good friend Rich in his driveway outside of Haines) and am staying at my daughter Jessicas place while here.
I arrived unannounced (only Jessica knew since we set it up) at 09:30 Thanksgiving morning. Jessica picked me up at the airport and after a 13 hour layover in Seattle I was ready to be off the plane and in the snow. There was a couple of feet of snow on the ground which I thought was awesome though it did make me miss my tractor LOL
We got to Jessicas (my old place) and I waved at Arriana (my neighbors daughter) who turned and said something. The next thing I knew Milissa came running out in her PJ's and fluffy slippers. After a nice hug she asked where my tractor was saying that they really missed it, oh, and me too. LOL
I suprised the heck out of Ashleigh in fact she had been gone to get coffee when Jessica and I walked over there. her husband told me to go in and hide in the kitchen. A couple minutes later my phone rings and it's Ashleigh wanting to talk as she drove home. So I had to sit in her kitchen talking to her and acting like I was still in Arizona. When she did come in she almost dropped the coffee and started crying. It was pretty neat.
Next we went to her in-laws house for Thanksgiving Dinner. Fortunately everyone was in the kitchen as it was a tad early so I snuck in and sat in the chair I normally sat in there. A little while later Dans mom comes in and starts talking to me. She walks about 6 feet into the room talking all the while then suddenly throws her hands up and yells "it's Bruce"
All in all a great day. Good to be home, and good to surprise and see friends and family

Ashleigh is a thrift store/salvation army addict so I took this picture through her rain soaked windshield while watching Ruby in the car while she shoped. It represents Juneau so perfectly.

Jessica had already warned me that she had a Daddy-do list for me while I was here and since I am staying at her place in what she fondly refers to as my cell she has a captured audience.

Her biggest thing when she bought this place from me was that the newly installed dishwasher be working. I had purchased all stainless and black appliances for my furture remodel of the kitchen. I removed all the old 70's green stuff and sat the dishwasher in the hole but did not connect it.
So my first job was to connect that dishwasher. well she figured since I was into that we should change the sink while we're at it.

It was one of those if it could go wrong it did jobs. But a long day, skinned knuckles, and a few choice words later viola the diswasher worked, a new sink, faucets, drains, etc. Even resolved the low hot water pressure issue. Jessica is very happy, so a couple things off the list.

The visit has been very good, I am enjoying seeing Ruby, Ashleigh, Dan and Jessica regularly and just being home. It is wierd sleeping in the guest room in my place which is now Jessicas place but the shower is bigger than the RVs and there is lots of hot water.

And is I do get cold there is always the burn barrel for those early morning warm ups.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Adios Mi Amigos & Amigas.

Well, here I am, my last day for now in the box with my friends Moose, little Moose, and George.
Leonardo, from Keebler called and ask if I would come help them as the gear up for the Holidays and then afterwards as they cleanup and regear for next year.

I miss my elf friends, but I'll also miss Moose, Little Moose, and George and of course Sleg. I'll miss hearing Good Morning Little Elf Dude. Hey maybe Leonardo can call me that it always makes me smile. LOL

I'll be back for next traveling season, (cmon you thought I'd let Sleg drive the box all alone?) But as of tomorrow i'll be in Oregon at that big ol tree helping all my Keebler friends.

And Leonardo said I may even get to paint some Fudge Stripes this time around. YAY!!!

So have a great Thanksgiving

A Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year

I Love You All

Please be careful, I'll miss you all.

And to Sleg, take care Big People Dude. 8)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Met a great fellow RV'er

Jimmy and I left my Moms a couple days ago. However we didnt really get on the road until late yesterday because of Jeep transmission issues.

As some may know the transmission actually began messing up in Tucson then totally broke and locked up in South Dakota. I finally felt I had the money to buy a new one at $800 so on Monday I called a place in Wylie Texas and ordered a new one. I ordered a 4-speed rather than the 5-speed it had because in my way of thinking with a little 4 cyl engine there was no need for a fifth gear.

I had a shop in Gilmer remove the broken one so I could take it to Wylie and avoid a $300 core charge and a return trip to take it back. So, on Wednesday I went to get it and brought it back to Gilmer (a trip of 150 miles one way thus 300 so far since I went up and came back) On Thursday when they went to install it I was told it needed a new clutch because the one I had purchased with the transmission wouldnt fit, it was only an additional $250.

I drove down there since it was to be finished that day and I could leave. Imagine my surprise when I was looking at the parts and noticed that the transmission had a 10 spline front input shaft rather than the 14 spline for a 4 cyl. So I called Wylie and decided to take the transmission and rush up there to have the correct spline installed. I got there to late and had to spend the nght in thier parking lot.

Next morning they installed the proper input shaft and I headed back to Gilmer. They got it installed and a total of $1,850 later i left towing the Jeep with a new transmission and a small untility trailer I had purchased
Its only a total of 40 feet long. Not to bad I just have to keep remembering I have two things behind me now.

Since i didnt leave Gilmer until almost 7 I decided to drive on through the Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex. Even at 10m when i got there it was bumper to bumper traffiic but at least they were all doing 70, except me of course. I finally stopped at midnight and got a few hours sleep at least until 5 when i got up.

Today was windy, 30 mph side wind almost blew me off the road more than once. I finally gave up fighting the wind and pulled into a rest area to relax and call it a day. As I was walking around a short, bent, old man came over and ask if I could help him, seems his roof vent cover blew off bending over backwards and broke the hinge. So we tried everything (he needed the help because he had steel rods in his back and both shoulders operated on thus could reach up and had no strength. We couldnt go on the roof, again, because of the wind so working soley from the inside  I finally found a way to re-secure the vent and he asked me to follow him to walmart about 30 miles away. He then invited me over for pepper and eggs and hamburgers.

His name is Nick Manciano form Pa. and the stories he told, mafioso, cops, politicains, etc. He was either married to one and related to the rest. He was a professional boxer for awhile and his wife was a cop. An interesting man with a very interesting life. He is 78 and his wife died a couple tears ago and he still travels, though alone now. He has an amazing RV (which is the one behind mine in the pic) in fact I am plugged into it for the night at his insistance.He showed me all the gadgets and gave a lot of advice for my eventual upgrade.

He is headed for Tucson to see his youngest daughter who is a trauma nurse in and er. I think UMC but not sure. He would like me to follow or travel with him just in case one of us breaks down or something. Hes a pretty cool guy.

His RV is a diesel pusher and 36 feet long. At 70 mph towing a cadillac it gets 11 mpg which puts my 7 at 55 towing the Jeep to shame. Oh and mine is only 25 feet. LOL

Till next time. Jimmy and Me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The 2nd largest state ,,,,

On a small farm outside Winnsboro, Texas, is where my Mom lives.
I have been here about a week doing what I do best. "Chores" LOL
The equipment shed, or it was back when this was a working farm.
I haven't updated the blog because I have been working, yeah that. 8)

I found this coke machine (if you cant read the price it is 15 cents) in the garage.

This mirror display was an interesting find.

as was this original Red Ryder BB gun that still shoots. It was even loaded 8)

My 80 year old Mom decided I had worked hard enough last week cleaning, de-brushing, etc. taht we went to a local swap meet. Ashleigh's husband would have loved it there, I sure did. He loves John Wayne so these next pics are dedicated to him.

John Wayne, lifesize. $50

Movie poster mounted $20

$ 25

$ 20

and last but not least to satisfy Dan's cowboy boot obsession a nice bright yellow one.
Add LOOK magazines from 1960's as well as POST, a lot of history amongst the dust, dirt dobbers nest, and spider webs, but I shall dig it all out. Found out Jimmy doesnt like dust, nor dirt dobbers.

Jimmy and I are having a good time but as I said we are taking of delayed (10 + years) maintenance issues. A lot of cleaning, throwing away stuff that has accumalated but was neer discarded because I may need it some day, or it belonged to ,,,,, years ago. I told my mom that sometimes it best to have an unattached person come clean because they can do it without all the baggage so to speak.

The Jeep is in the shop and hopefully I can afford to fix it before I move on to Arizona.
This is short but but very late. The only reason is heat, work, heat, work, and simply tired when I decide to stop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Adios to Tammy and family, headed South to Texas

After a good nights sleep, some coffee and g-byes to Tammy, Haley, and Cody (said goodbye to Duane last evening) we jumped in the box and hit the road South.

After reaching I-55 at Dwight Il we stopped to do chores like laundry etc. Had breakfast with
music was provided by

and of course the waitress was,

who else ,,,,,,

The food was very good, and prices were better. Got chores done and drove south where we now sit for the evening. MP 64 I-55 SB in Illinois south of Springfield. Be in Texas in a couple days for our next visit with Mom.

While visiting Tammy and her family we did a lot of things. She is a very busy person between football for her son Austin, and husband Duane to shopping, friends, family etc. had a fun time at a Punkin patch and a Halloween Party, and a trip to Wisconson to the Bass Pro Shop and so I could get a Wisconsin magnet which I couldnt find while visiting the Webers.

The last weekend Jimmy stayed at home with the girls, (him and Haley it it off pretty good) and Austin, I and Duane went to Marsailles to watch Duane participate in a Spartan Race ( it is an obstacle laden race over hill and dale through the mud with challenges along the way. An endurance race that was well attended. I saw entry numbers (written on foreheads) upwards of 3,000 and the parking lot was full and close to 20 acres in size.

only about 1/4 of the cars. Notice they go to the treeline. Going to the left there were 3 - 4 more frames this size of the Sea of Cars

I was standing in row 8 when I took this and the one before of the cars.

Venders were well represented from the National Guard (thats a raceing boat up on its side, to the beer tent and souvenir tent.

Even the Porta-potties were well represented. In front of them were about 50 hoses for showers. (you'll see why in a bit)

This is Duane before the race, (note the soon-to-be-no-longer-white-shorts)
There were a lot of obstacles and it was very muddy. We could only actually see 4 or 5 but Duane said there were many. One he mentioned was having to carry a car tire down a steep hill then up the next and down and up. The thing is they were so muddy and slippery you (and everyone else) was sliding down and knocking each other over. For every obstacle you failed you had to do 30 burpies (I called them squat-thrusts in the service). Another was barbed wire strecthed over a mud pit that you had to dive under to proceed.

Heres the spear throw. If you didnt stick it in the bales you did 30 burpies as you can see these guys are doing.

The back of the slant board which was a slanted wall ( 45 degrees) about 12 feet high you had to climb and these were your team mates that had already made it leaning back over to help you up. Problem was you were covered in mud as was the board and they regularly tossed dish soap on it to help out. The other side was smooth. LOL

In that hole were puddles (waist deep) of mud and you had to climb those ropes 12 feet (they were covered in mud) and ring the bell to proceed up the hill to this point which was the front of the slant wall. (This is where team mates came in very handy to help lift you up since the ropes were so slippery)

The horizontal wall, notice Duanes (2nd person) use to be white shorts Key word throughout this was MUD.

Then there was the fire pit that you must run through, then through the "Enemy" soldiers who had pugil sticks to try and fight you back and prevent you from entering the arch indicating the end of the course.
Then the end.
The pink ribbons on the medals and lots of pink in costumes were in support of Breast Cancer Awareness, in fact the organizers were donating half of the proceeds to this great organization

This was a fun day for the spectators, and a grueling race for the participants. Took Duane as his team 2 1/2 hours to complete the three mile course. I saw people from young and athletic to old, to very heavy participating and kudos to all those that made the finish line whether barefoot (like three I saw three, thier shoes sucked off by the mud pits), almost crawling with pain and exhaustion (I saw everyone of them stand, rest a min. and sprint the last bit to reach the finish line), then those young whipper snappers that were bouncing and full of vigor at the end as at the beginning.

Check the website for schedules through next year. Next weekends event is in the UK.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A day of surprises and ,,,

This morning I was dragging so in need of lots of Java and some motivation.
Got up (sort of) and got ready for my day.
I went for a walk around the block leaving the door open to the RV. When I returned and came in a cat came charging out past me. I dont know who was more shocked LOL
Tammy and family had some surprises planned for moi today so we got in the car for a drive to return to the punkin patch since we had to leave early last night.
Jimmy and I  were are enjoying the scenery when he whispered that mile marker said 5 miles to Wisconsin. Seems they wanted me to get the Wisconsin magnet I had not been able to find over by Cuba City and drove up here just for that. How extremely thoughtful and sweet.
After getting both a Wisconsin and Illinois magnets they took everyne to lunch at Jimmy and my new favorite eatery. "The Steak-N-Shake" and a great lunch we did have.. Then it was off to ,,,,

The Pro Bass Shop, Jimmy and I were estatic. Fishing, hunting, boating, and everything in between.

They even had a fish bench, Jimmy thought it was real at first then Cody and Haley got on it so he figured it was ok then Austin joined them and he knew it was okey dokey.

He was all excited about all the animals, a bit disappointed when he found out some weren't real so we went to the aquarium so he could see the fish.

Imagine his surprise when the first fish he saw looked like him and it waved at him too.

Then Haley found the aquarium and Jimmy ran over there. And was awed by the fish, they had some Gar, Catfish, Pike, and a lot more. He saw the biggest catfish ever.

After this picture he whispered to me "Why dont they meow? All cats meow, right?"
I explained that they lived under water and it's hard to meow under water. I'd show him when he took a bath tonight in the box.

Jimmy came running over with Haley yelling he found me one, he found me one. Haley kept saying I found it too. So I went to see the Wisconsin magnet they had found me.

So, between the two little guys finding me a Wisconsin Magnet at The Pro Bass Shop, a great lunch, good convesation, and the all special drive to Wisconsin just so I could get a magnet it was a pretty special and wonderful day. A dinner of homemade enchiladas, some memory pics from my dvd's, a nostagic and reminencing talk on the phone with Tammy's Mom. A very nice day. Duane heads for work in Michigan tomorrow, Austin returns to school and another week begins.
Right now I'm joining Jimmy in being tuckered out and finding some zzzzz's.

We went to the punkin patch, to get ourselves a punkin.

As some may already know from reading the movers and shakers magazine People Jimmy and I went to a costume party the other evening.

Jimmy had decided we should go as The Unknown Comic from The Gong Show era and made the costumes himself. Here we are in the limo moving out.

Then yesterday we went to Johansens Farm (The Pumkin Patch)

Here we are heading in. It was a really cool place.

Jimmy and Cody played hide-n-seek behind a big punkin. He still doesnt know how we found them LOL

He met some friends
Jimmy was so excited to see Pooh Bear, They hadn't seen each other since Storybook Land in South Dakota and wow Piglet was here. He wasnt in Storybook Land when we visited so that made it so mucho bettero.

We looked at some punkins

They said they were closing so Jimmy ran around saying bye to his new friends

We all piled into the bus and headed home. The end to another great day.

Oh yeah, Jimmy wanted me to say he is now 1 1/2 feet tall. And his foot is all better