After a good nights sleep, some coffee and g-byes to Tammy, Haley, and Cody (said goodbye to Duane last evening) we jumped in the box and hit the road South.
After reaching I-55 at Dwight Il we stopped to do chores like laundry etc. Had breakfast with
music was provided by
and of course the waitress was,
who else ,,,,,,
The food was very good, and prices were better. Got chores done and drove south where we now sit for the evening. MP 64 I-55 SB in Illinois south of Springfield. Be in Texas in a couple days for our next visit with Mom.
While visiting Tammy and her family we did a lot of things. She is a very busy person between football for her son Austin, and husband Duane to shopping, friends, family etc. had a fun time at a Punkin patch and a Halloween Party, and a trip to Wisconson to the Bass Pro Shop and so I could get a Wisconsin magnet which I couldnt find while visiting the Webers.
The last weekend Jimmy stayed at home with the girls, (him and Haley it it off pretty good) and Austin, I and Duane went to Marsailles to watch Duane participate in a Spartan Race ( it is an obstacle laden race over hill and dale through the mud with challenges along the way. An endurance race that was well attended. I saw entry numbers (written on foreheads) upwards of 3,000 and the parking lot was full and close to 20 acres in size.
only about 1/4 of the cars. Notice they go to the treeline. Going to the left there were 3 - 4 more frames this size of the Sea of Cars
I was standing in row 8 when I took this and the one before of the cars.
Venders were well represented from the National Guard (thats a raceing boat up on its side, to the beer tent and souvenir tent.
Even the Porta-potties were well represented. In front of them were about 50 hoses for showers. (you'll see why in a bit)
This is Duane before the race, (note the soon-to-be-no-longer-white-shorts)
There were a lot of obstacles and it was very muddy. We could only actually see 4 or 5 but Duane said there were many. One he mentioned was having to carry a car tire down a steep hill then up the next and down and up. The thing is they were so muddy and slippery you (and everyone else) was sliding down and knocking each other over. For every obstacle you failed you had to do 30 burpies (I called them squat-thrusts in the service). Another was barbed wire strecthed over a mud pit that you had to dive under to proceed.
Heres the spear throw. If you didnt stick it in the bales you did 30 burpies as you can see these guys are doing.
The back of the slant board which was a slanted wall ( 45 degrees) about 12 feet high you had to climb and these were your team mates that had already made it leaning back over to help you up. Problem was you were covered in mud as was the board and they regularly tossed dish soap on it to help out. The other side was smooth. LOL
In that hole were puddles (waist deep) of mud and you had to climb those ropes 12 feet (they were covered in mud) and ring the bell to proceed up the hill to this point which was the front of the slant wall. (This is where team mates came in very handy to help lift you up since the ropes were so slippery)
The horizontal wall, notice Duanes (2nd person) use to be white shorts Key word throughout this was MUD.
Then there was the fire pit that you must run through, then through the "Enemy" soldiers who had pugil sticks to try and fight you back and prevent you from entering the arch indicating the end of the course.
Then the end.
The pink ribbons on the medals and lots of pink in costumes were in support of Breast Cancer Awareness, in fact the organizers were donating half of the proceeds to this great organization
This was a fun day for the spectators, and a grueling race for the participants. Took Duane as his team 2 1/2 hours to complete the three mile course. I saw people from young and athletic to old, to very heavy participating and kudos to all those that made the finish line whether barefoot (like three I saw three, thier shoes sucked off by the mud pits), almost crawling with pain and exhaustion (I saw everyone of them stand, rest a min. and sprint the last bit to reach the finish line), then those young whipper snappers that were bouncing and full of vigor at the end as at the beginning.
Check the website for schedules through next year. Next weekends event is in the UK.