Sunday, February 13, 2011

Taylor's 2nd, the flight, memories.

One week ago today I was in Montana helping celebrate Taylor's 2nd birthday with her family. It was a fun weekend being there with Jason, Amanda, and her big sister Samantha. Got to enjoy a bit of shopping as we all went looking for a birthday gift I could get her. We had breakfast at Perkins which was nice and dinner at Outback which was nicer. LOL

However, the flight's could have been better. I arrived at the airport in Juneau at 6am for the 7am, flight with plans to meet one of my daughters (Carri) at the Seattle airport and some long over due catching up. Well, the flight was postponed, then postponed again, then cancelled. They said I could re-book on the 10:30 flight arriving at 4:30 or the 1pm flight arriving at 4:30. Well, lets see, a 6 hour flight (milk run) stopping everywhere or a direct flight arriving at the same time. I thought hard, considered all the angles and after about 1 sec. decided I would rather wait for the direct flight.

Now my connecting flight was at 4:35 and I was concerned about that but was told that the departing gate was directly across the aisle from the arrival gate so it looked close but maybe doable. So, I texted Carri with my apologies and hope that next trip we could work it out. Upon my arrival in Seattle imagine my surprise and happiness to see that not only was the gate across the aisle but the flight hadn't left yet. So, I ran over towards that gate to head out for Missoula.

Now my kids have a fond memory of my running. At one time we lived in a small town in Southern Arizona called Patagonia. We had a nice, large, house built on the side of a hill with the backyard across the alley from a vacant lot which was next to the "Home Plate" restaurant where we went often. ( so often in fact it never failed that after we would arrive the phone would ring and it got to the point that the waitress (Cindy) would say hey Bruce get the phone it's probrably for one of you. And it always was. People would call the house and if no answer routinely call the Homeplate.Does that tell you something? ) Well, this one day we were going down there for a snack or something and at the alley Jessica, and Amanda decided to race Ashleigh and I to the front door. They went around the other side and Ashleigh and I cut across the vacant lot running. There was a part of a telephone pole lying in the lot that I jumped over as I ran. Well, jumped over may not be the correct term with over being the operative here. Cant tell you why but suddenly I did a face plant and ate an acre of dirt. Ashleigh had to stop because she was laughing so hard, she yelled for the other girls who came around the building and started laughing as well. I got up and we went into the Home Plate where I ordered humble pie with a side of dirt in my mouth. Oh yeah, did you read the words "Hey Dad, are you okay" anywhere in there? I didnt think so. LOL

Speaking of telephone poles, when the girls Mom (Judy) and I first met we took a trip to California alone one weekend. While driving through wine country in November I suddenly slammed on the brakes and looking over at a field filled with obviously new, very white, t-posts on which they let the grapevines grow said "Wow Judy, I havent seen one of these in ages, amazing" She, while also looking at the field of white crosses said "what?" I expained how it was a field of baby telephone poles. that after they got to about 40 feet or so they would be harvested (cut down) and then used around the country to hang wires on alongside roads etc. I calmly put the van in gear and drove away as she marvelled at seeing such a rare site as a telephone pole farm. As much as I loved / love Judy she was my best "staright man" so to speak. My Abbott to Costello, my Larry to Moe.  I (and the girls) have many fond memories because she was / is very guillible.

Anyway, I ran over to gate C-9 excited because my flight was still there and I could go on to Missoula. Upon arrival to check in and board I was told the flight was delayed 30 min.for mechanical reasons. (same reason used in Juneau). Then another 30, aqnd another 30 until 7:30 when it was cancelled and we were re-booked on the 8:55 flight arriving at midnight

After a reaqlly nice weekend I got on the return flight from Missoula and it was snowing like a bugger (12 inches that day for them) we were de-iced and had an uneventful flight back to Seattle where I thought of the multiple delays coming down on Friday. The regular 1/2 wait in Seattle was filled with the normal breakfast at the food court and then on to the gate and board the flight. I was sitting in the seat thinking ahhh, finally back to normal and headed home. Be there by noon'thirty. (never think ahhh) So, we waited, and waited, and ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Two hours later we finally took off after being delayed for a mechnical problem. I did tell the stewardess that if not for the fact that plane had a blue Disney paint job I would swear they only used one plane for the entire trip.

But, it is much better to have a flight cancelled while SITTING on the ground than at 31,000 feet.

It's been a nice week back. Ashleigh and Ruby are great. I get to say Hi when I take the mail over but try not to stay to long so they get some Mommy / Ruby time and later Daddy / Ruby time. Jessica started her new job and is eagerly looking forward to that first check. Actually I think her bank account is looking forward to it as it was getting a tad low with no input just all outgo. Sammy gave me a book (papers stapled together) while there with a class picture on the front and pages of pictures drawn / water colored from each of her classmates to me. It was really cool and has a special place next to an aforementioned sign she made me when she left on a kitchen cabinet door. Still awaiting some decent snow. Youd think living in Alaska we'd have more snow that Texas, South Carolina, Kansas, etc. wouldnt you. While I like warm its not supposed to be high 30's, bare roads and 2 wheel drive, for weeks at a time. C'mon weather dude get it straight this is Alaska and it is February.

It's my Friday with my first weekend back. I have a long list of need-to's from getting my taxes ready to do, and upwards. Notice taxes are at the bottom? I just cant get motivated to sit down and do them. I seem to have left my motivation in Montana under that 12 inches of snow we havent seen yet.


Jess said...

My bank account will be thanking me you're right!

Glad you had a good trip! I can't wait to see the book Sam gave you, this is the first time I have heard about it!

Dan said...

you got your snow wish :)

An Alaskan Gypsy said...

Yeppers, 5 hours of plowing. Other than that frozen in place rock and kissing the windshield it was great. LOL

Anonymous said...

GUESS WHAT!!! I found the Ewing blog. Ruby is so cute and the picture of you with her the day she was dedicated is priceless.
I have read you blog and archives twice and I will read it again. It is so wonderful.
I also have read Randy's gang. Now I have the Ewing blog to read as well.
I am finding this is fun.