Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 1

So, how do I do this?
I have never tried to write a story or explain my life in terms of putting such to paper. Well, here goes nothing? LOL
My name is Josh and I am a 48 year old man holding a Double Doctorate in Physics and Mathematics. I specialize in sub-atomic studies at the University of Berkley in California and have found a very unique and special , ummmmm, I think the correct term would be universe. Not just a universe but actually a habited planet identicle to our own however so infinitesimal no one would believe me.
It is such an amazing find that I keep it to myself because, I dont want the scientific community (of which I am a proud member) to know of it's existence as it would become an experiment. And that I cannot have.
I live on a planet called Earth in a country called The United States of America. A 3-diminsional planet of plant and animal species that co-exist and depend on one another for that existence.
What if I told you there were other planets exactly like mine that are so much smaller as to be able to have one inside your home. That they were inhabited by the same plant and animal species as this one only on a much smaller scale.
In 2008 I was intimately involved in a new particle accelerator project near Geneva Switzerland called the Large Hadron Collider. My specialty at the time was an idea called the String theory. In this theory I studied the possibility of six or seven unseen spatial dimensions in addition to the time and 3 dimensions we normally see. Withour getting to technical I, and others, felt that this new collider could open up a whole new world of studies in the possiblity of extra spatial dimensions as predicted by the String Theory.
Imagine my excitement, my utter amazement, to find a complete universe existing at a much smaller level. Aftrerall size only exists in a comparative state. How large is a ping pong ball in a vacant space with nothing else to compare it too?
Though this world and it's universe does exist in another dimension it is parallel to ours and not connected. I have been able to travel between the two worlds, and actually have. This other world and it's universe exists in my shop out back. It's not actually in the shop but a portal is there. This portal is a view from above, meaning that I see the planet and it's universe as it exists from "above" as if it was actually in my shop and I was looking at it from "outside'. I try not to take pictures of it as I fear the flash would greatly  upset the habitants of the planet as they dont know of us as we didnt know of them. I took this one simply to illustrate a small part of what I am rambling about. My planet, or the one I am referring to, is the smaller one in the picture. I call it Eart II. I will get more into what the habitants of Eart II call her and thier life but right now suffice to say I am still living in a world of total amazement at what I have discovered and am now able to visit on a daily basis.

A little about me, as I said my name is Josh, I am 48, and I teach at Berkley. After this discovery I purchased 640 acres of land in a very isolated and remote moutainous region of Northern California. I have an apartment on campus for the times I am actually teaching.
I have a wife, Candace, and a son, Josh Jr. who we call JR thats J. R. not Junior. He turned 10 yesterday and is a wonderful, though admittedly spoiled kid.
My discorvery / experiment is a well kept secret not only from my family, and the scientific community, but from the world at large.

1 comment:

Dan said...

now you gotta keep going with this.