Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Adios Mi Amigos & Amigas.

Well, here I am, my last day for now in the box with my friends Moose, little Moose, and George.
Leonardo, from Keebler called and ask if I would come help them as the gear up for the Holidays and then afterwards as they cleanup and regear for next year.

I miss my elf friends, but I'll also miss Moose, Little Moose, and George and of course Sleg. I'll miss hearing Good Morning Little Elf Dude. Hey maybe Leonardo can call me that it always makes me smile. LOL

I'll be back for next traveling season, (cmon you thought I'd let Sleg drive the box all alone?) But as of tomorrow i'll be in Oregon at that big ol tree helping all my Keebler friends.

And Leonardo said I may even get to paint some Fudge Stripes this time around. YAY!!!

So have a great Thanksgiving

A Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year

I Love You All

Please be careful, I'll miss you all.

And to Sleg, take care Big People Dude. 8)

1 comment:

Dan said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Love you!