Way 1, was to use the recently bought slide-in camper on the back of the truck and rebuild my 4 x 8 tilt trailer into an enclosed trailer.
Way 2, was to purchase a motor home down south, leave the truck, and fly down to get it then take it to Montana and points onward.
Way 1 goods, the truck gets good mileage (would reduce with camper and trailer though to ???) I could take a lot of stuff I want with me in the trailer. I would have the truck to drive while in Montana, and it is smaller, thus can drive around areas I visit.
Way 1 bads, gas through Canada makes Juneau gas seem cheap by over a buck a gallon. That camper is very small and doesnt have a generator, shower, etc. so would probably need a motor home anyway but a lot of those funds would be spent driving the truck down. Now my truck would be down south and I would be unable to use or sell it but still have the payments.I will lose the money for the camper because now I would leave it with the guy I bought it from and he gets to resell it. My loss his gain type thing.
Way 2 goods, A reasonable size motor home (say 26'ish feet) would have all the convienances to make extended stays more comfortable. Thier gas mileage is around 8 - 9 mpg but the truck with camper and trailer wouldn't be much more. Basically comfort and convienance are the motivators.
Way 2 bads, Price obviously, mileage obviuosly, what if's (but they apply either way) can take nothing with me thus must purchase everything from the food I would have taken to tools etc.
What to do, what to do, I was so concerned about the what to do's I actually did nothing. So last night I made a decision, I was going to take the truck and "deal with it" afterall it.s not like anyone else would ever be with me so the smallness though inconvienant would/could/may be cheaper. So, I went to the shed and dug out most of the wood I needed to redo the trailer. While measuring it to start cutting I made another decision. One more day wont hurt, plane tickets are already less than 2 weeks so thats not changing and I had two motor homes in mind. One I had a bid on already but had been outbid and the other had a reasonable buy it now. Both were equal basically so I would see where that went afterall I could always start cutting wood tomorrow.
This morning I checked Ebay, the one I liked best and and had been outbid on hadn't changed and it had 40 min. to go. So I raised my max a few hundred dollars and cleaned the kitchen while I waited. I returned when it had 1 min 18 secs left and was I still high bidder so I chose to wait so I could see it flash "winner". I waited, and I kid you not, at 10 secs there was a blink and suddenly I was outbid by a mere $50. By the time it registered it was to late. Wow was all I could think. LOL $50 bucks thats like losing a bid by 50 cents so close but ,,,,,
Anyway the decision to go motor home was pretty much made so I bought the other one for buy it now. I now own a motor home about 30 miles outside Kansas City Missouri. (and it comes with a full tank of gas 100 gal LOL) They will hold it and pick me up at the airport so thats the plan man.
Will leave truck here for kids to use the only rule is the for sale sign has to always be displayed in the windows.
Will leave Juneau July 1, 2, or 3rd and fly down then drive to Missoula then ,,,,,,,,, who knows.. Gonna visit all the kiddies, and some friends. 8)
Now I have to replace all that wood on the racks in the shed. LOL
WOW! I vote July 3rd so you can see Ruby and I for 5 days before you go.
Love you and congratulations on you new motor home!
I vote July 5th so you can spend 4th of july weekend here with us.
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