We stopped in the town of Wallace Idaho where they had an outdoor mining equipment musuem. It was really neat and pics etc are in the previous blog posting. In addition to the Mining Display there was a memorial to Wildland Firefighters, especially thse that fought the Pulaski Fire of 1910.
Of course the one I wanted to see but couldn't find, it as it was actually on a side street, off a side street, down a main street, then right, then left, you get the idea. Established in 1885 as a Bordello it is now a Musuem of said Bordello. That just sounded interesting and maybe a bit wierd.
The day after we arrived in Missoula Jimmy and I went to see the dealer where we had bought the Jeep on our last visit. We (hopefully) got the paperwork issue straightened out. (Seems that in Montana all the paperwork is sent to DMV vs. Alaska where it is sent to the bank. Thus it was sitting in a discard/return pile in Anchorage at DMV) We also got an extention on the tempoary plate so the Jeep can be driven.
We took the box to top off the gas and check everything out.
Taylor was with her parents shopping so Jimmy, Samantha, and I went. Here's Sammie and Jimmy pumping gas. Jimmy was so excited because I dont let him pump gas by himself. We got an amazing 9mpg on the trip over which in itelf was nice.
Seems it tired the two gas pumpers out as they took a nap on the way back to Sammies house.
Taylor got home and Sammie showed her and Jimmy how to fill the Jeep with gas. I always wondered why the word smile brought a big smile but closed eyes on little ones. LOL
They're all gassed up and ready to take that imaginary drive to imagination land where they can drive and Jimmy is a real little boy.
Today we are doing Sam's 9th birthday since tomorrow is a school day. We're going to a maze. it's an outdoor thing where there are games, etc. but also a really large maze built from hay bales. It should be fun. However at the moment both girls, Jimmy amd I have been banished to the RV while the parents do something ,,,,,, dum ,,,,, de ,,,,, dum ,,,,,,, I wonder what it could be ??????
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