The last weekend of May I came to visit Amanda and family in Missoula Montana and on June 1 flew back home to Juneau Alaska with Jessica, Ashleigh, and my youngest grandchild Ruby who had also come to visit. I visited there until August 6th or so when I returned to begin traveling again. In fact I was heading East last weekend but Amanda's babysitter ask if I would camp at thier place for a week while they went to Las Vegas. So this week while still visiting Amanda et al I also got to play with chickens and pygmy goats.
Yesterday the larger of the two "Snickers" broke his right rear leg below the knee. He couldn't get to the vet until today and since the lower part was just painfully flopping around when he moved I bandaged it then put a splint on it that went about an inch below his hoof so he could at least hobble. This morning he was eating grass and hobbling around when Amanda, Samantha, Taylor, and I took him to the vet in Amanda's car. That where he is at the moment while we await a call to come get him. I'm taking a felt marker so everyone can sign his cast before I leave. A sad day as the next day Snickers died and went to Hillbilly Heaven. I buried him on the back of the property so R.I.P. Snickers
My 67 day visit back home was filled with things to do, people to visit, and "Daddy-do" projects (which are my favorite) and even some offeres to adopt a few people so they could have a "Daddy-do" project list. LOL
The beginning of my visit wasn't a positive as little Ruby who had gotten sick in Montana was further diagnosed with pneumonia to go along with the RSV diagnoses from here. She, Ashleigh, and Dan spent a few painful and emotional draining days at Bartlett in the pediatric ICU. On Sunday they were told that she'd have to stay another night as her Oxygen levels weren't high enough. However that evening everyone was surprised by a change in plans and she could leave immediately. And immediately she did. They all enjoyed a nice night in thier own beds and Ruby in her own crib.
Jessica and I built Asheligh and Dan some new steps which we enjoyed and they appreciated. As did Jessica's pup Apollo because they were a lot easier for him to get up to the porch on.
Jessica had about 20' of fence that needed removing due to heavy snow and wet ground. So her and I rebuilt that 20' and added another 20' and a gate at the rear so her yard was completely enclose and certain little puppies could not escape. And since he was a greyhound he could easily outrun everyone.
Hikes with the girls and puppies, and one with Mick were the highlight of my visit. Lunches with the girls and Ruby and occasionally Dan, a birthday party over at Micks, beautiful Alaskan weather, buying a flatbed Toyoto from Dan's twin brother for the project and then selling it after was a nice addition as not only did I get more than I paid I got the money while still there so I could put it to good use.
I left August 6 to return to the RV in Montana and visit Amanda et al again. I did get to spend 3 days getting to know Jessica's second Greyhound puppy Chronos before I left.
My visit here has been enjoyable. From hanging out with Amanda's family to dinner out, the Western Montana Fair and I went back for the demolition derby. Taylor and Samantha rode thier first rides ever. Taylor wasn't as excited about it as Samantha but I think the 90+ temp and a tired little 3 year old had a lot to do with it. Sammy got introduce to the gravitron which she really like after she quit feeling nauseous. Jason was getting tired and had work to do so he took Taylor home and Amanda, Samnatha, and I had a burget then went looking at more rides. Eventually we decided to leave so after giving all the ride tickets we had left away we went home then of course I went back to watch the demolition derby.
Between injured goats, chickens. horses, solitude, and being close enough to visit but not so close as to be in the way has made my last week enjoyable.
Leaving this weekend to head East and figure out the plans from there. (I have some family that need me but if that changes then I have some traveling plans to make before winter) North, South, East or West ,,,,, we shall see where the wind blows and I need to decide where to spend the winter this year as well.
The small trailer with the mural says Clips of Faith but on the side it says Free Movies and Free Beer.
Go figure
There were three people in this car and not an extra inch. The body was riding so low the tops of the tires were above the fender wells. Look at the bundle on top, I probably get better mileage. LOL
Oh did I mention the two German Shepards?
Eastbound and down !!!!
Hahahaha, that car.
Travel on!! Love the pix and synopsis.
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