Thursday, November 11, 2010

Want some more ????

I didn't think so,,,,,, 8(

Have a great veterans Day, and to any other Marines out there Happy 235th Birthday today (oops clock changed so make that yesterday).

Holidays and celebrations have become so commercialized they have lost thier meaning and if we dont remind the younger folks those meanings will be lost forever.

Like my title "Want some more?" that has become the mantra of National Pig Out Day. Sorry, that would be Thanksgiving. Do you find it interesting that a day of giving thanks for all we have is celebrated by wasting and indulging ourselves even more. We should be thankful not only on the fact that we create more edible waste and garbage than any other country in the world but that we have the freedom to do so, the freedom to say it, and the freedom to worship, or not, by our own choice. How about the fact that the Friday after Thanksgiving is given more prominence than the actual holiday. Are we going to get Friday off for a 4-day weekend, the first official shopping day for Christmas, etc.

We live in the greatest country on Earth with the highest standard of living. We have so much to be thankful for, not just the competiton of who can eat, devour, waste, indulge, the most, but the fact that we live in a country, a society, a time,where we can.

Veterans Day is a day where we recognize the sacrifices made by those that served our country. But anymore it's seen as another day off, another day to watch the game and drink the afternoon away, another excuse to party. But have you ever even attended a veterans Day parade, or do you just get  upset because it inconvienanced your drive to the package store. How often do you stand for the flag in a parade, place your hand over you heart during the National Anthem, or even know the pledge of alligence?

No honey, Christmas is not all about Santa Claus? But the stores, you know the ones, that have thier Santa decorations out before Thanksgiving and lately before Halloween even. While Santa is an important sideline to Christmas (Thats CHRISTmas not X-mas) he is there mainly for the commercilization and money making aspect of the celebration.

While Thankgiving is a time of thanks, and Veterans Day is a time of recognition, Christmas is a time of celebration, If your a christian then it's a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. If your not a Christian it's still the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, you just choose to twist it, commercialize it, rename it, and insert your own diety to worship such as the dollar, Santa, the game, getting high, or a number of things that take away from the real meaning of the celebration.

But then isnt that what we do to all the holidays? The only ones not seen as a day off, a time to party, is the ones important to you as an individual.

Like me I am a veteran so vaterans Day means allot to me, 11/10 is a Happy Birthday since I am a Marine, I am a Christian so Christmas means a lot however I do indulge Santa and spend more than I should on those that I love, those that I like, and even those I do not know, but not at the loss of the real meaning.

New Years is a time of hope, or dread. A time of resolutions, if you dont know what a resolution is then try this. A resolution, especially as related to New Years, is a promise, usually to self, to accomplish something that usually is never accomplished or even attempted. LOL

So, hug a Veteran and say thanks, eat your heart out until your stuffed and then watch the game and try to stay awake, and spend, spend, spend, for Santa. (ever notice that the kids seem to enjoy the box and wrapping paper more than the girft. Often thought of wrapping an empty box and letting them have fun) but dont forget what this all means and where it all came from.

The veteran will appreciate the effort, the rats at the landfill will appreciate the wasted food, the stores will appreciate all the money you spent, and Jesus will still love you.

So, all the Happy's and Merry's for the next year from me to you.  As for me, every day is amazing but it has been a rough year. LOL


T.Hale-Olsson said...

Your Blog is great Dad, thank you for sharing it with us.. Today's Blog is well put! OXOXOXO :O)

Anonymous said...

Happy Veterans Day Pops. All makes since in your blog. Veterans day means a lot. Love ya