Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to me and other peripheral B.S. 8)

Yes, today is my birthday, and no no-one improtant forgot it. I merely used Happy Birthday to me as a title not a selfish plea for attention 8)

Last Sunday while the local girls were at my place for the weekly dinner and watch Dexter fest the aforementioned subject was brought up.
"So Dad" asked Ashleigh "what do you want to do for your borthday next Saturday?" I said I would like something simple like forgetting it and she said not happening. LOL
So the discussion was on should we eat at the hanger, mexican food, asian food, etc. Jessica mentioned McDonalds and Dan jumped on that one as they both know I like that place. Ashleigh avoided it because, like two weeks ago she called and asked what I was doing. I said sitting here reading a book and eating Fritos. Well the lecture began, those are bad for you Dad. I said something about dipping them in cheesesauce but that didnt slow her down. Finally I said I am eating them to get rid of them so the temptation isnt there. She said i should just get rid of them NOW and so I said ok, I would eat them faster. She was not amused, though I was. (I thought it was a pretty cool comeback afterall LOL)
Then one of them (I think Dan) mentioned they should have one of those McDonalds birthday parties, they could set the number on the birthday chair to six and add a homemade one to it. Even Ashleigh got into that one. I saw her yesterday and mentioned that we could do something simple like at the regular dinner/dexter thing but she smiled secretively and said we'll see so I am worried. 8) If I was you and lived in Juneau I would avoid McDonalds today, just in case.

A co-worker's (Andy) Mom always sends homemade Banana Pudding for my birthday which she did Thursday night since that is Andy's friday. So tonight I came out to go to work and the headlight switch on my truck went out. Now normally this would not be a big deal except it is winter and dark more than light these days and I go to work at 11pm which is dark plus 1.5. So I called jessica to borrow her car and drove there with parking lights only in the truck. She came out with a homemade Pumpkin Pie and whipped cream (real cream she pointed out and it says on the can not that oily stuff like the commercial says LOL) Now it's a tossup which I like best Banana Pudding or Pumpkin Pie. A hard choice to make for sure. Which to eat first. Oh yeah and Jessica you were first saying Happy Birthday 8)

it's not a choice of which to eat, thats a no-brainer, I am sitting here at 0130 with banana pudding AND pumpkin pie and dinner as well. Ashleigh you cant read this part. Dinner is history, I am taking it back home. Wont have room for it after desert. Both of my choices are bad for me, but were birthday gifts so there is no choice about eating them (yeah right, not eating them is not even in the equation. as-if LOL) The only choice is should I get the tempatation out of the way and eat it all tonight (YUMMMMMMM) or be sensible and have some for tomorrow night (save money on dinner because I wouldnt need any again) ok, tomorrow night part sonds good and delicious x2 right? Ok, so which one tonight and which one tomorrow night. Pumpkin Pie has been a family traditional birthday thing since the kids mom was around and she taught it to the kids. But banana pudding has been a tradition from Andys Mom since I started this job.

OF COURSE I KNOW that family comes first, but it's BANANA PUDDING. Ok, here's the plan a spoon of pumpkin pie followed by ,,,,,,,, you got it like wine tasting. You sniff it for the aroma, swirl it around for the flavor, swallow it for the pleasure (notice it's the three S's) and then a cracker to clear the pallette before the next one. I dont have any crackers and wouldn't use them anyway in this case. So it's decided one of this one and then one of that one and then ,,,,, you get the hint. And because i love my Ashleigh (and all her sisters) and for thier concern about my health I will remove the temptation as fast as I can. I brought a big spoon, and will eat faster. Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!

In closing I remeber a couple birthdays ago we ate at the Hanger. Ashleigh brought along a really cute cake shaped like a dinosaur with the appropriate number of candles on it. When lit they were brighter than the lights in the resturant. LOL We had the brightest corner in the place.

The kids like to attract attention especially when it's moi in the spotlight. 8)


Anonymous said...

I hoped that I would not be late wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I see that you have many that remember you on this day.
You still write sooo well. Please do not forget to write your memoriors {can't spell. No spell check}
If Clinton, George Bush, The peanut man, etc. You should too. I would sell a million copies, because you have had such a WONDERFUL LIFE.[like the movie}
After all of that mush. Here is the best.
Please remember West Dallas and the #1 washtub of Banana Pudding. The Middleton reunion in Watchehie the first summer after Smokey and I married.
I was received so well that there was NONE left.
Just like last night.
from Mom. I am almost 80 and you are 61. Yes we are old farts, but have lots of love for our families.

Anonymous said...

I just read all your blog including the pictures. I really NOW STATE you need to WRITE.
I would love to have a copy of your blog. Is this possible, practical, and not a bad thing to do and have in my genealogy pages.
Thank you for doing all the good things that you do, and being the person you are.

Anonymous said...

Well Happy Birthday Pops. Said it this morning and I wasnt the first one even though I have a two hour window to get to be the first one. lol. I remember that cake Ash and me got you, it was a pain in the butt putting all of those candles in it. Hope your day is wonderful and you enjoy your McDonalds Birthday party.

I love you lots.

Ashleigh said...

Happy Birthday, old man!!!! hahahahah!!!!! I remember that cake, there were 57 candles on it. The ones we lit first were almost all melted down by the time we got to the last ones. Don't forget the shirt I made for you and had you were out last year on your birthday!
Love you.

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Pop! Think of the pumpkin pie as being from all the kids! If Amanda had been here you know you probably wouldn't have gotten a pumpkin pie with a burnt crust! LMAO! We know how much you like pumpkin pie so you were bound to get it from one, if not all of us!!

I love you Pop! Take care of my car!

An Alaskan Gypsy said...

Well, darn. Look at all the birthday wishes. Certainly not forgotten. LOL

Jess: I think the lighting was bad because I am eating it as I type and dont see any burnt crust. I remember we use to go to your Mom's parents for thanksgiving and her Mom would make me a pumpkin pie for my birthday and after dinner i would get to sit in her Dad's chair and get an entire pie with a spoon and you guys would get slices from another one. LOL The car is doing well. I'll probrably take my truck back in the morning so I can finigle a fix-around for the light switch until I can find one.

Ash: I have that shirt on the wall in that small room. And the accompanying card in the desk. Thanks for breakfast this morning to you and Danno.

Aman: Wish you guys could have been here. At least you would have been eating Henry's cooking and not gotten sick. LOL Thanks for all the best wishes. speaking of which I should also say thanks to Tracey, Ruthanne,Tammy, Carri, my Mom, brother, sister, and a couple of people at work. It was a great day, thanks everyone.

Unknown said...

It's 2021 and i'm reading all these old posts
Actually it is fun.
I'm traveling in an RV Towing a Jeep and visiting kids.
Jessica's in Dallas working in Management at Amazon
Amanda is in Missoula with Taylor her youngest, and her oldest is married and living on base at Ft. Bragg and due in August next year.
Ashleigh is living in Juneau with her family raising two pretty cool girls Ruby and Imogen
That's an update now back to reding