Sunday, July 10, 2011

Missoula, week 1

Well, I've been in Missoula almost a week. Originally I was flying here to watch the kiddos because thier daycare was closed a week. Same plan, different conveyance to get here. I have had a great visit with Samantha (8) and Taylor (2) oh yeah and thier parents Amanda and Jason.

From visiting the Box on Wheels many, many times as I try to unpack all the boxes I mailed to myself. (14 in all) I DO NOT know what I was thinking. But Dude !!! 26 feet is still only 26 feet. LOL  I am currently moving stuff from bed to couch depending on the time of day. Gonna be visiting some donation places thats for sure. 1 example, 7 pairs of brand new work boots. Now how do you have 7 pair of work boots much less BRAND NEW, heck the tags are still on them.

I spoke to Carri today in Marysville Washington where I am heading next and found out fortunately her hubby wears the same size as I do so I shall haul them there. My loss, his and 6 friends, gain. LOL

The weather has been great, 80 -90 in the day and mid 40's at night. Very nice evenings on the deck and very nice sleeping in the box with the windows open.

During the day the girls are at daycare (until this next week) but when they get home its fun time. They are always glad to see Grandpa, and he enjoys sitting under the tree and watching them  swim in the pool. On a recent trip into town I bought them a slip & Slide which they have also been enjoying.

They live next to a stable and in fact Sammy goes over there on the weekends to help feed, brush, ride, the horses if shes been good all week. In fact living so close to a stable naturally there's bound to be a little horsing around.

Tonight they did girl stuff. Orange nails LOL

Well, I am having a ball. Enjoying the visit, the weather, and all the stuff Grandpa's and grandkids do. I am no longer ........ 



Jessica said...

Okay, so what is the final video?? It would not play! It sure sounds like you are having a lot of fun! Tell everyone I said hello! Love and Miss you Pop!

An Alaskan Gypsy said...

Probably best it didnt. LOL
Was one Sam made of me playing the geetar and singing I've got the RV blues. I wrote the lyrics and music and since I cannot play the geetar, nor write lyrics, or music. 8)
Now you see why its best it didnt play. LOL

Ashleigh said...

you forgot to take a picture of your painted toes.

Sherrie Jo said...

Love the video of the girls singing, playing and laughing together. So cute!

Dan said...

Yes Bruce ol'e boy, lets see them panted tootsies. :)